Research and clinical laboratories face increasing pressure from high workloads and time constraints, rendering the manual performance of lab experiments difficult. Lab automation solutions can help to address these challenges and overcome limitations associated with manual testing.
The advantages of automated laboratory systems
The introduction of automated solutions in research and clinical labs transforms their operations and brings great value to researchers.
Enabling high-throughput analysis – Using automated systems, scientists can run multiple samples simultaneously, which enables high-throughput analysis and enhances lab productivity.
Minimizing the risk of human error – Automated lab systems can minimize the risk of pipetting errors and help maintain high data accuracy.
Facilitating researchers’ time management – The use of automated lab systems reduces the time researchers need to perform experiments and allows them to focus on other aspects of their job like experiment planning or data analysis.
The significance of automation scheduling software
Even though lab automation systems can render the experimental flow more efficient, their successful operation may also be associated with challenges. One of these challenges is ensuring that the experimental schedule optimizes the use of lab resources and personnel time. To overcome this challenge, the experimental schedule should enable the performance of numerous assays simultaneously to maximize the efficiency of the automated system.
Automation scheduling software solutions enable users to create such efficient experimental schedules. Moreover, their interface is designed to facilitate experimental planning, labeling, and data recording. Overall, the use of automation scheduling software brings great value to lab researchers in several different ways.
Enhancing productivity – Using automation scheduling software, researchers can plan, schedule, and perform multiple assays simultaneously, thus greatly enhancing productivity.
Efficient use of time and resources – By optimizing the experimental schedule and use of lab resources, automation scheduling software helps ensure that the highest numbers of experiments can be performed in the shortest possible time.
Flexible operation of the lab automation system – The software enables the creation and editing of new methods, facilitating the flexible use of the automation system.
Device pooling – Several lab instruments can be pooled together and used as a single unit, further facilitating high-throughput analysis and lab productivity.
Both online and offline use of lab instruments – With lab automation software, equipment that is not employed in a particular experiment can be used in offline mode.
An intuitive interface – The interface of the software is designed in a way that simplifies scheduling and reduces the risk of errors.
Integration with laboratory information management systems (LIMSs) – The automation scheduling software can be integrated with the LIMS, facilitating smooth lab operations.
Advanced customization options – The software can be customized to enhance its compatibility with the instruments in each specific laboratory.
Maintaining high data integrity – Using the scheduling software, researchers can manage the inventory in real time and discover inefficiencies or errors promptly.
Lab automation scheduling software for enhanced lab productivity
The introduction of lab automation solutions can overcome many limitations of manual testing by enabling high-throughput analysis and promoting scientific productivity. In addition, lab automation scheduling software facilitates the efficient scheduling of experiments on lab automated systems, allowing users to take full advantage of their features.