Yamaha Cell Handler™
Advancing Cell Research Into a New Era
Wako Automation is the exclusive North America and European distributor of the Yamaha Cell Handler™

Introducing the Yamaha Cell Handler™
Yamaha high speed precision instruments place thousands of microchips onto circuit boards. Built on years of experience designing industrial instruments using imaging and precision movements Yamaha’s Life Science has developed the Cell Handler automated cell isolation system.
The Cell Handler uses a built in microscope to image and detect cells, and custom precision tips to gently aspirate and dispense cells from a source vessel into a destination well.
Cell Handler™ Cell picking & imaging system
This system is ideal for clonal selection, single cell sequencing or the isolation of individual stem cells as small as 10µm in size. It can also be used to detect and isolate individual spheroids, organoids or PDX samples as large as 180µm in diameter.
Once the Cell Handler images the source vessel containing cells, the cells or spheroids are identified and quantified. The user can set thresholds so that only objects that fall within the user selected area, diameter, circularity, circumference, color, or intensity will be aspirated by the Cell Handler and moved into the destination well.
Object recognition is done using bright field imaging, while fluorescent images can be automatically overlaid and used for enhanced selection criteria. The Cell Handler can be configured with up to three excitation and emission filters.
The Cell Handler can operate in one of three modes
- Full manual selection: touch screen enables users to manually select cells or spheroids.
- Automatic selection: based on user selected thresholds
- Machine learning selection: touch screen teaches the Cell Handler what cells or spheroids should be isolated, and Yamaha’s software automatically builds thresholds based on machine learning algorithms.
The Cell Handler uses a high resolution image to verify that a single object was picked on the source side and a second image to verify that only a single object was dispensed on the destination side. These images can be viewed and stored for QC purposes. If an image shows that more than one cell was accidentally transferred, users can simply mark that well so that they know not to use it for downstream work.
The Cell Handler is the ideal instrument to rapidly remove individual spheroids that have been formed using specialized microwells, isolate spheroids grown in a matrix such as MatriGel™, isolate cells for clonal selection, isolate stem cells, or to isolate similarly sized PDX samples.
On average it takes an experienced scientist approximately 8 hours using a microscope to manually isolate spheroids of a similar size and fill a 384 well plate. The Cell Handler can do the same operation in under 30 minutes, with higher accuracy, provides images that serve as a permanent record of what was or was not transferred, and provides feature data such as area, diameter, roundness, etc. for each object transferred.
Enthusiasts worldwide have trusted Yamaha Motors and admired Yamaha’s high quality products. Today scientists can experience that same Yamaha Motor quality when it comes to handling biological materials in the laboratory.
Key Features
- Transfer objects as small as 10µm to as large as 2.0mm in size (For larger than 180 µm size is under development)
- Image using either a 4x or 10x objective
- Up to 3 color fluorescence imaging and bright field
- CMOS sensor provides a large field of view
- Fill a 384 well plate with a single cell or spheroid in each well in under 30 minutes
- Feature data can be exported so basic image based assays can be performed
- Visual records and features of each object transferred can be exported and stored
Automation Compatible | Yes (Consultation required) |
Detection Methods | Bright Field, Fluorescence (*1) |
Excitation Filters (Up to 3) | User Selectable |
Light Source | White LED (Bright Field), Xenon Arc Lamp (*2) (Fluorescence), |
Emission Filters (Up to 3) | User Selectable |
Objectives | 4x, 10x(*3) |
Camera | 2048×1544 pixels |
Liquid Handling | Disposable tips (180µm) |
Environmental Controls | HEPA Filter |
Length | 1500 mm |
Width | 1030 mm |
Height | 1580 mm |
Weight | Approx. 600 kg |
Yamaha Precision Chamber
Yamaha’s Precision Chamber increases successful single spheroid picking rates to 98.5%. The Precision Chamber has over 2000 small open grids that spheroids settle on. Reagent is automatically pumped through the bottom of the Precision Chamber lifting and dispersing spheroids so they are not crowded together and sitting on top of each other. The more separated spheroids are to begin with the lower the chances more than one spheroid at a time will accidentally be picked

Yamaha Precision Tips
Yamaha’s 180 µm disposable Precision Tip can transfer spheroids between 10µm – 180µm in size. They can be reused dozens of times when transferring from the same reagent pool and automatically ejected and loaded when a new tip is needed. The tips are designed with a built-in plunger enabling incredible precision.
Yamaha is also developing reusable tips larger than 180 µm, up to 2.0 mm in size. The reusable tips can be washed and autoclaved for sterility after removal.
Application Notes

Cancer Research
Accelerating drug discovery (Data provided by Dr. Warren, UCSF)
Organoid Research
Direct picking from Maliigel® dome (Collaboration with HUB) / Assay with two layer Maliigel®
Isolation of kidney organoids (Data provided by Dr. Takasato, RIKEN)
Isolation of lung organoids (Data provided by Dr. Morimoto, RIKEN)
Stem Cell Research
Single Cell Research
Selection of liansfectants / Imaging options for single cell
Other Applications
Advanced approach for 3D-cell phenotypic assay
Cell media change / Expanding cell culture / Picking of adherent spheroids